Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ankle Monitors For The Vulnerable

Contact:  Sgt. Susan Poulsen, PIO
Date:  March 19, 2013

Sheriff Richardson would like to start up a new program for the community.  Throughout the years, we have responded to many missing and lost people, some of whom are some of our most fragile and susceptible.  Sometimes the outcome is good, other times, sadly the outcome is tragic.  Because this trend continues, Sheriff Richardson would like input from interested people.

The program will offer the same technology used in ankle monitors to caregivers of at-risk patients who have tendancy to wander off and get lost, such as seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia, among other health challenges.  It will help caregivers stay connected to their loved ones. 

The monitors are only activated if the loved one goes missing.  Once it is reported, we are able to activate their monitor and view the missing and endangered person’s current location, last known location, and receive turn-by-turn directions to their exact location. This program would cost the families around $4 per day for the use of the monitors, which is our cost, but it would provide peace of mind for families. 

If you or anyone you know would be interested in this program, please contact the Davis County Sheriff’s Office at 801-451-4100. 


  1. I think it is an interesting option. Not a bad idea, really.

  2. I love it. Great idea.

    not much different than the "Life Alert" wrist band or pendant many seniors wear for protection or to be able to call for help. Except that Life Alert only works IN the home. Our loved ones w ALZHEIMER'S disease or severe DEMENTIA, would positively benefit from this kind of program and it would provide such PEACE OF MIND to those of us who care for them! Too many times they find their way out of the home and become lost and often end up dying from exposure to the elements. I hope this becomes a Nationwide program for ALL who need it. Bless you for this suggestion!
    J. Durham-TX
