Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reggie Ann Peck Case

Davis County Sheriff's Office Deputies and Detectives worked hard to develop a case against a Logan mother who was placed under arrest by DCSO for intentionally harming her two children.  DCSO would like to recognize their efforts in a particularly difficult and disturbing case that involved the intentional harm of innocent children.  The following Standard Examiner story details how this case has finished out.  Thanks to all involved in this case!

Tearful mother pleads guilty to harming children

By Loretta Park, Standard-Examiner Davis Bureau

Wed, 06/15/2011 - 10:39pm


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Reggie Ann Peck
Reggie Ann Peck
FARMINGTON -- A North Logan woman has entered two guilty pleas to second-degree felony charges of trying to harm her two toddlers.
Reggie Ann Peck, 36, appeared in 2nd District Court on Wednesday with her attorney, Todd Utzinger.
She agreed to enter the pleas to one count of inflicting serious harm to a child and one count of administering a substance surreptitiously, and prosecutors agreed to dismiss the other two counts.
"She was crying and choked up during the hearing, but she made her way through it," Utzinger said.
Peck has been held in Davis County Jail without bail since her arrest in August 2010.
Deputy Davis County Attorney Richard Larsen said his office agreed to the plea deal as long as Peck understood that both counts covered the actions done on both children, who were ages 4 and 2 at the time.
A sentencing hearing is set for July 27, when Peck could be sentenced on each count to serve one to 15 years in Utah State Prison.
Utzinger said the judge will look at everything in the presentence report, as well as Peck's mental health history.
On Aug. 30, 2010, Davis County Sheriff's deputies found Peck and her two children inside her locked Dodge Durango in South Weber after residents reported a suspicious vehicle parked next to the canal. According to the probable cause statement, Peck had "administered prescription controlled substances to her two children in an effort to sedate them to a level of unconsciousness."
Police had been looking for Peck after she failed to return the children to their father in Bountiful the previous night.
Peck is currently on probation out of 1st District Court in Cache County.
She had entered a plea in abeyance in that district's mental health court Jan. 20, 2010, to two counts of second-degree felony surreptitious administering of a certain substance, and two class B misdemeanors.
A plea in abeyance means if the defendant complies with the terms of probation, the charges will be dropped when probation ends. If the defendant does not successfully complete probation, guilty pleas could be entered and the defendant could be sentenced to jail or prison.
The Cache County case has been continued until the Davis County case has been resolved, according to the court website.

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