Saturday, May 21, 2011

Safe Kids F.I.T. Fair

Davis County Sheriff's Command Post helped out with Child ID kits, lost children, first aid and general information.

Davis County Sheriff's Search and Rescue were called out to help rescue an injured person who was bucked off a horse, but they returned and gave a demonstration on their Hovercraft.

DCSO and Clinton DARE showed off their cars and helped with Child ID kits.

Davis County Sheriff's K9 Unit did demonstrations for audiences on drug work, and bite work.  Deputy Dereta takes a bite from Jak and Nitro at the same time.
Deputy Westbrook and Jak, enjoying the sunshine.

Deputy Seth Dereta taking two bites in one, Jak and Nitro.

Deputy Bryson Westbrook running for his life.

Deputy Westbrook still enjoying his day out on the lawn, with Jak.

Mojo showing the kids how he finds drugs hidden in a vehicle.

Dax finding hidden drugs for the crowd. 

K9 Dax going after Deputy Westbrook.

Deputy Cory Cox taking two bites in one from Jak and Nitro.  Deputy Cox was off duty, just enjoying the day with his family and somehow he got roped into this. 

Run Bryson, run!

Deputy Westbrook giving K9 Dax a ride on his arm.  What a great day to go to the park!