Monday, August 8, 2011


The Davis County Sheriff's Office Employees Association had it's annual summer party on August 3, 2011.
Detective Bob Hunt received an award for his years of service on the Bomb Squad.  Bob has experience that may not ever be matched when it comes to the Bomb Squad.
Tawnya Corbridge received the DCSEA Civilian of the Year Award.  Tawnya works tirelessly in the office making sure that all things are operating smoothly at all times.  We appreciate Tawnya for all she does each day.
Patrol Deputy Chris Benedict was awarded the Patrol Deputy of the Year.  Chris is one of the hardest working deputies in the Patrol Division.  He also runs the Youth Alcohol program through the State of Utah for DCSO.  He has done an outstanding job with that program, including the grants for funding, and has arrested many underaged drinkers over the years.  Below is a link to the story on the mock crash Deputy Benedict put together for Davis High School in the past year.

Cole Meldrum received the DCSEA Correctional Deputy of the Year Award for his outstanding efforts throughout the year.  These awards are given by employees' peers, who witness their work ethics year after year. 

Brett Decow received the DCSEA Overall Deputy of the Year Award.  Brett was viewed by his peers as deserving of this award overall because of his contributions to DCSO as a whole.  Congratulations to all the winners!

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