Thursday, September 15, 2011

Congratulations to New POST Certified K9 Handlers/Instructors

Deputy Claine Hawkins with Tank

Deputy Steven Sanford with Mojo
We would like to congratulate our newest Utah Peace Officer's Standards and Training (POST) certified K9 handlers and instructor.  Deputies and K9 Handlers, Claine Hawkins and Steven Sanford graduated from POST  with their Narcotics Detector Dog certifications, and their Narcotics Detector Dog Handler Certifications. 

Deputy Jeremy Varela also graduated from POST, with a Narcotics Detector Dog Instructor certification.  The information learned in this class, according to POST, is "guaranteed to make drug smugglers cry." 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bomb Training Day

The Davis County Sheriff's Bomb Squad had a recent training day on September 7, 2011.  The went to a remote location away from the population.

Two vehicles parked, ready for training.

Bomb technicians working to prepare the vehicles for training.

Getting mini van readied.

Bomb guys attaching something to the trunk with Duct Tape.

Vehicles visible through the sunflowers.

Oh boy.
Wow . . .
Yeah, that's schrapnel.
More explosives for training.

Damage caused throughout the day.

Van's gonna need some work!

Some sort of training aid.

Don't do it, guys!

Uh oh.

Holy Toledo!  What can we say to this?

Dealing with bombs and bomb-making materials is a very dangerous job.  We appreciate you guys for your willingness to deal with these situations for a safer community for us all! 

Clean up, aisle 4 ----->

Nice work, guys!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Farmington Canyon Closures Still In Effect Through Hunting Season

Official new release regarding Farmington Canyon Closure during hunting season.  Also, the Sessions Mountain Road closure in the south end of the County.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mojo's Gets a New Grill

Mojo received his new teeth today, from Summit Dental.  He was put under general anesthesia for the procedure and it is a good thing. 

Here, Dr. Scot J. Neil, D.D.S. shows Mojo's new golden grill!
Mojo did great through his dental procedures.  He will take a day or so to recover before going back to work and training.  Thanks again, Summit Dental!
This dog meant business before the gold teeth.  But now . . . . . just sayin'.
Goin' for the gold!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Davis County Teen Accidental Shooting

A shooting occurred at the Davis County Rifle Range on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at approximately 1650 hours, which left a 15-year-old boy shot in the head.  Bystander CPR was performed almost immediately.  Airmed was called in and the patient was transported to a local hospital in very critical condition. 

There were numerous witnesses on scene, who stated that the shooting caused accidentally by the victim.  It appears that he fell and lost control of his weapon during the fall, causing the gun to discharge.  The father of the victim was on scene at the time of the incident.  There were no other injuries to anyone else.  Detectives are on scene investigating at this time. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mojo Goes to the Dentist

Going through Dental School is hard enough.  But can you imagine your patient coming in for a little work done, and having him on four legs and hairy?  That's what Dr. Scot J. Neil and his staff had today out of Summit Dental in Layton.

Dr. Neil is actually trained for this type of situation, although it is uncommon.  It is also very unusual for him to work on a police K9.  But we are very glad that he agreed to do this work.

The staff had to put Mojo under anesthesia (so they could keep all of their fingers) and then inspect some broken teeth. 

Here Mojo is showing his pearly whites with his new handler, Steven Sanford assisting.

During his recovery phase, Deputy Sanford stayed with Mojo as he came out of the anesthesia.

Mojo will take a while to come out of it, but that's normal.

Mojo will have another visit to give him is titanium teeth to replace the broken ones.  (Alright, I jest.  They will be gold.  But they will still be able to bite like nothing you want to go up against.)

Scot J. Neil, D.D.S. is giving DCSO a very large and appreciated discount for his service.  We want to thank Summit Dental for taking care of one of our beloved dogs!  Thanks guys!

2 Suspects in Custody After Pursuit and Crash

Official News Release Link Above
On August 25, 2011 at 0655 hours, Clearfield Dispatch put out an attempt to locate on a stolen vehicle involved in a hit and run in Clearfield.  Clearfield PD initiated a police pursuit and requested assistance from Davis County Officers as the pursuit went westbound on Antelope from Main Street in Layton.  Davis County Deputies spotted the vehicle traveling through the Freeport Center and picked up the pursuit from there.  
Pursuit speeds reached 65 mph and the suspects were reckless driving throughout.  At one point, deputies stated that they were throwing evidence out of the window of the vehicle, which was recovered by officers later.  At some point during the pursuit, a Davis County Deputy was involved in a single car crash, in which he crashed into an apartment sign.  The vehicle and sign sustained property damage, there were no injuries.  Suspects were taken into custody after a foot pursuit.  UHP is investigating the accident portion of the incident

Friday, August 19, 2011

Firearms Training Day

Another year for firearms qualifications.  Detective Christensen and Sergeant Servey are explaining the next stress shoot.
Detective Sorensen holds the buzzer for Deputy Hasty to begin the stress shoot.
Detective Sorensen prepares Deputy McNatt for the shoot to begin.
Deputy Hasty goes through the shoot with ease.  Everyone passed and there were no injuries.  That's a good day on the range!  Thanks to the firearms instructors!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

POST K9 Narcotics Training Yields Drug Bust

On August 17, 2011, Utah's POST K9 training for narcotics dogs was at DCSO for the day.  Dogs from all over the State of Utah are currently in the class and we were fortunate enough to have them at our facility for the day.
All of the K9's trained in the jail.  Here, Syracuse PD's K9 is searching in the laundry area.
All of the dogs in the jail created some excitement.
All of the officers and K9's moved out to the parking lot for some vehicle search training. 
Here, UHP's K9 alerts on a vehicle during training.  Training drugs were hidden for this scenario.
DCSO's Nitro indicates on a pickup during training in the parking lot.  All great training for the dogs.
Deputy Varela was instructing the class, here he is with his K9, Jak.
During the class, all of the officers walked their K9's through the jail parking lot.  A dog indicated on one of the vehicles in the visitor's parking lot.  Another K9 came through and indicated on the same vehicle.  They walked all of the K9's through the area and all of the K9's indicated on the same vehicle.  This roused some suspicion on the officers, so they contacted the jail, where the staff asked who owned that vehicle.  One female, who happened to be visiting an inmate claimed it was hers.  She went out to the parking lot and told the officers there wasn't anything in her vehicle and gave them consent to search.  What she forgot was the meth and marijuana that was still in her vehicle.  The K9's located the drugs in an instant and the female who was only there for a visit, now gets a much longer visit.  Some folks have all the luck!

New Sworn In Deputies

Welcome and congratulations to our newly sworn in deputies.  Pictured here are from the left:  Captain Enrique Jaquez, Chief Kevin Fielding, Jonathon Boffing, Mitch Talbot, Jared Sampson, Sheriff Todd Richardson, Undersheriff Brent Peters, Mike Benoit and Captain Curtis Andersen.