Thursday, July 28, 2011


Davis County—July 28, 2011
A fire was started in Rudd Canyon at approximately 1820 hours on July 27, 2011.  The cause of the fire appears to be from target shooting by three individuals in the area.  The three adults attempted to put out the fire themselves, but were unprepared, so the fire got quickly out of their control.  They called 911 themselves and waited for law enforcement to show up.  When deputies arrived, the subjects were interviewed and they said they had been shooting at exploding targets with high-powered rifles.  The fire is believed to have been started by this. 

Currently, the US Forest Service has taken command, with multiple agencies assisting in the efforts to put the fire out.  The three individuals have been summoned into court on charges that include reckless burning. 

DCSO News Release:

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DCSO CERT Team and the SPARTAN Race!

If you ever had a question in your mind whether the Davis County Sheriff's Office CERT Team was tough enough, take a look at how Nicholas Jensen, Mike Shelton, Daniel and Elizabeth Jaquez spent their day off:

They climb in between large bales of hay and take on guys menacingly holding sticks with foam barrels on the ends.

Still in the fight . . .

They dangle from bridges . . .

They run through muddy bogs . . .
and aren't afraid of a little dirt.

When it comes to fire . . . these cops run into the flames, not around them!

They will do it again, to show that they weren't afraid the first time!

These guys are dragging cinder blocks, just as the Spartans dragged their dinner. 

  • A Spartan pushes their mind and body to their limits.
  • A Spartan masters their emotions.
  • A Spartan learns continuously.
  • A Spartan gives generously.
  • A Spartan leads.
  • A Spartan stands up for what they believe in, no matter the cost.
  • A Spartan knows their flaws as well as they know their strengths.
  • A Spartan proves themselves through actions, not words.
  • A Spartan lives every day as if it were their last.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Davis County Sheriff's Office Bomb Squad Wins Overall Champs!

Bomb squad blows up a suspicious geocache
FARMINGTON -- The Davis County Sheriff's Bomb Squad took first place in a two-day statewide competition, but only after disarming a geocache thought to be a bomb.
Squad members were on their way to the Utah County Thistle Range when a suspected bomb was reported across the street from the Syracuse Police Department, said Davis County Sheriff's Deputy Larry Nielsen, squad team leader.
The container, which was a camouflage military ammunition can, was about 25 feet from the opening of Syracuse Fun Center on 2000 West, said Davis County Sheriff's Sgt. Susan Poulsen.
Weber County Sheriff's Cpl. Chet Hartley and Deputy Brandon Miles, the two squad members, were heading to Farmington on June 22 to pick up the truck for the competition when the call came in, Nielsen said.
Weber and Davis counties have an interlocal agreement and work together on one team.
"I'm sure the container was picked because it was watertight, but it looked suspicious, being right across the street from the police department," Nielsen said.
Squad members realized, after it was blown up, that it was a new geocache site.
Geocaching is an activity in which participants use a global positioning system to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches." A typical cache is a small waterproof container holding a logbook where geocachers enter the date it was found and sign it with their established code names.
"We're asking anyone who puts anything in containers like that to please advise the local law enforcement agency it's there and what's inside, so we don't send the entire team out," Poulsen said.
This was not the first time a geocache site was thought to contain a bomb, Nielsen said.
About a year ago, the bomb squad was called to a suspected bomb behind the courthouse in Farmington, only to realize it was a geocache site.
After handling the geocache "bomb" call, Miles and Hartley headed to Utah County to compete against nine other bomb squads, including the Air Force and National Guard, in explosive ordinance disposal, Nielsen said.
The competition included wearing a bomb suit while running an obstacle course, answering technical questions, running a robot through an obstacle course, tactical exercises and hazmat exercises.
Nielsen said Hartley and Miles were chosen to represent Davis and Weber because of staff constraints.
"We're sure proud of those two."

Corporal Chet Hartley and Deputy Brandon Miles

Group photo of all area bomb squads competing

Putting on the bomb suit during the competetion

Applying a bomb collar
Congratulations to you guys.  Thanks for what you do and for your professional representation!